If you’re a homeowner, you know that there’s always something to fix around the house. Maybe the gutters need to be cleaned or you’ve got to organize that closet. Next week, that chair might need to be repaired or you may have to address the plumbing leak you’ve been ignoring. In fact, plumbing problems are one of the most common problems that homeowners face. And if you hire a professional to fix a nominal problem, you might end up paying handsomely for it. That’s why so many homeowners turn to DIY solutions. If you stock up on some embossed hose clamps, you can handle lots of different problems yourself.
What Do Embossed Hose Clamps Do?
A hose clamp is one of the most common plumbing items around. It’s one that every homeowner should have before attempting any type of plumbing DIY. Also known as a hose clip, a hose clamp is attached to a hose to seal it to a fitting (like a barb or a nipple) that plumbers use to attach fixtures and pipes to other pipes. There are many types of hose clamps, including spring, wire, gear, and embossed hose clamps.
Typically, embossed hose clamps and other types of clamps are made from stainless steel. They come in a wide variety of sizes because plumbing pipes and fixtures can vary in terms of size. Stock up on a few sizes of embossed hose clamps so you can always be prepared. If you have both large hose clamps and mini hose clamps (plus everything in-between), you can tackle plumbing problems all over the house that may appear near the toilet, in sinks, or in your shower or bathtub. You can even get an adjustable hose clap or two, just in case it’s needed for a project where a regular embossed hose clamp won’t work.
Stainless hose clamps are going to be the most durable. Stainless steel is a high-quality material that’s more resistant to wear and rust than many other materials. This means that your clamp and the seal it’s creating will be more likely to last for a long time. This may save you from making additional repairs in the future.
Get Hose Clamps for Plumbing
There are many types of hose clamps, including automotive hose clamps and clamps that are used for other applications besides plumbing. Make sure you’re buying the correct embossed hose clamps. They should be clearly marked that they’re meant for plumbing. The most common uses for those clamps and hose clips is to secure hoses in automotive repair, but they’re also often used for household plumbing of all types. Before you get a stainless steel clamp that you want to use for your DIY plumbing project, make sure that you’re getting an actual plumbing clamp and not one that’s designed for automotive use.
Having a supply of assorted embossed hose clamps for plumbing is the best way to be prepared for plumbing emergencies. If a leak has formed, the fitting is one of the most likely locations for leakage. That means you’ll probably need to repair this part of the plumbing where hoses or pipes meet the fitting, and this is where you’ll need an embossed hose clamp. Keep some handy and you can keep tackling those small plumbing problems on your own rather than shelling out the big bucks to pay for a professional plumber.